Book Notes: Algorithms and Data Structures for Massive Datasets
5 min readSep 23, 2024
This is a great intermediate algorithm and data structure book focusing on processing massive data/big data. It has covered lots of interesting and practical problems. Highly recommend to anyone who are interested in data processing.
You can get your copy from Amazon.
- How to dedup a big file: break into smaller chunks, compare the hashes
- How to detect plagiarism: rabin-karp string match, compute hashes for small chunks. Rabin-Karp string comparison algorithm uses rolling hash to quickly check substrings. Rolling hash can calculate the hash for the next substring in constant time. Hash(i+1) = hash(i) + char_added — char_removed
- Collision resolution:
- chaining: linked list or balanced tree to hold the overflow for the bucket
- open addressing: linear probing, cuckoo hashing (two locations for a candidate, if one is available, use it; if both are occupied, kick one out, move it to its alternative, etc.)
- MurmurHash
- consistent hash
- Chord distributed protocol, uses a finger table to speed up node lookup. If the node does not contain the key, it forwards the request to the node that has the smallest distance to the key.
- bloom filter
- squid cache
- formula to calculate false positive rate
- problems
- cannot handle deletion, use a variant called counting bloom filter
- cannot resize (don’t store original keys, so cannot recalculate hashes)
- hot queries may increase false positive (use more hashes for hot elements)
- quotient filter
- uses longer hash to reduce false positive
- stores the fingerprints
- supports resize, merge, delete
- divides a hash into two parts: quotient, remainder
- metadata bits: bucket_occupied, run_continued, is_shifted
- resize: steal one bit from remainder and give it to the quotient, this doubles the size
- comparing bloom filter and quotient filter
- quotient filter
- overall performance drops when it is getting full
- insert is significantly faster
- successful read is significantly higher
- more complicated to implement
- bloom filter
- read is slightly faster
- merkel tree
- a hash tree with branching factor of 2
- the hash of a node: hash(left_child_hash + right_child_hash)
- used in blockchain for Bitcoin
- allows verification of a transaction very quickly
Frequency estimation (given an element, what’s the frequency/count for it):
- zipf’s law:
- the second most used word appears half as often as the most used word
- the third most used word appears one-third as often as the most used word, etc.
- Boyer-More majority vote algorithm: given an unordered elements, we know there is one element that appears more than half (majority element), how to find this element in the most efficient way.
- keep a count for one element and index for that element, if next element is the same, increment the count; if not, decrement the count. When the count reaches to 0, reset the index to the next element, keep the process.
- Count-min sketch
- a 2D array/matrix, d rows and w columns
- d hash functions, the hash value is within the range of [1..w]
- adding an entry needs to calculate d hashes, then update the corresponding C[i][j]
- estimate the count of an entry: get all d values, using the similar way as adding the entry, take the minimum as the estimate
- top k problem
- use Count-min sketch and a min heap
- update Count-min sketch, after adding one entry, get the estimate for that entry
- add the entry and its estimate to the min heap, using estimate amount as the key, this effectively maintains top k entries
- range query
- instead of estimate for a single entry, estimate for a range of entries
- divide the range into several levels (similar to skip list), top level contains a range [1..2^n] where the query range falls into; the bottom level contains many ranges, each containing only one entry
- each level has its own Count-min sketch, we add the ranges as the entries into the Count-min sketch
- when we estimate for the range, e.g. [3..13], we break it into [3..4], [5..8], [9..12], [13], then get the estimate for each range and sum up
Cardinality estimation (how many distinct elements):
- traditional way: sort, then count
- DB supports approximate distinct count, e.g. Big Query by default uses estimated distinct count
- HyperLogLog (HLL)
- compute fixed size hash values, 32 bit, 64 bit
- probabilistic counting
- a: num of trailing zeroes in hash + 1, e.g. 1100, a=3
- for multiple hashes, find a for each hash, then take the max
- 2 ^ max(a) is the estimate
- problems: estimate has big errors, cannot be always power of 2
- Stochastic averaging
- divide hashes into m=2^b buckets, using first b bits of the hash
- do probabilistic counting on each bucket, getting an estimate Ei, calculage Avg(Ei)
- estimate is 2 ^ Avg(Ei) * m
- this solves the outlier problem, it also solves the problem of always power of 2
- LogLog
- on top of stochastic averaging, multiply by a normalization factor
- normalization factor is a function of m, has a formula to calculate
- HyperLogLog
- similar to Stochastic averaging, but instead of using Avg or arithmetic mean, use harmonic mean
- normalization factor is a function of m, when cardinality is small, use linear counting
- HyperLogLog++
Sampling (this chapter is quite difficult)
- Bernoulli sampling
- naive: use a pseudo-random number generator (PRNG), generate a uniformly distributed random number r between 0 and 1, if r < p, then include the element into the sample
- Poisson sampling
- Reservoir sampling
- Bernoulli, poisson sampling has the drawback of variable sample size
- reservoir size k
- include first k elements
- process each element after that, with the index i, use the probability k/i to include
- Slide window sampling
- chain sampling
- priority sampling
Quantiles (another difficult chapter)
- naive: sorting and selection problem, if the input is static
- quick select: BFPRT gives a high quality of pivot by recursively divide data into groups of size 5, then pick the median recursively until only one median is left (median of median algorithm)
- digest: cluster data points and generate metadata like mean, count, etc. for each cluster
- T-digest
- Q-digest
External Sort
- B-tree: intermediate nodes store the values
- B+ tree: only leaf nodes store the values, leaf nodes also linked together using linked list, optimizing sequential access for range queries
- Bε-tree: allows tuning and tradeoff between inserts and lookups in external memory
- each internal node has a buffer: temporarily store inserts and deletes
- LSM-tree
- Cassandra, LevelDB, RocksDB, etc.
- External merge sort
- External quick sort